Cinematography: blog analysis tasks


Find the opening sequence to a film or TV drama of your choice on YouTube and embed the video in a blogpost called 'Cinematography blog tasks'. 

1) Write an analysis of the cinematography in the opening sequence. Highlight your use of media language and try to cover camera shots, angles and movement using the terminology we have learned in lessons. 

This scene uses a variety of close up shots such as big closeup to portray his facial expressions, extreme closeups of his eye indicting a sort of challenge and closeups of his hand on the stick shift. The focus shift through the window to the characters face is a factor of a closeup shot. Medium long shots are also seen as the car drives into the distance as the camera stays into his original position. Dolly shots are also seen visible when he is driving the car, this is through the left side of the character. Crane shots are seen when the camera pans to show the top part of the car, this shot is then transitioned into different angles.

2) How does the camerawork give the audience clues about the setting, narrative and character?

By the constant shots of the character, this could imply he is the main character of the movie. The narrative may refer to car racing since the scene is opened with the character driving the car in a really quick speed. The setting also helps with what the narrative could be, since many car related movies are set in empty parking lots/areas.

Find and analyse one film or TV still image. Add the image to your blogpost. 

3) Analyse the camera shot/angle in the image and what it communicates to the audience. Remember to highlight the media terminology you use.

The camera angle is orchestrated in way to suspect an eerie image which may communicate a form of dramatic irony.


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