Cinematography: Practical task

  Export your finished video, upload it to YouTube and post it to your blog along with a brief explanation of your work.


It follows - portrait version

It follows 2 

To create my video, I had asked my friends to create a narrative that was simple enough to portray all the angles i had in my mind. Throughout the filming process everything went accordingly, meaning if i didn't like one scene i was able to make multiple more clips of the same scene. The angles were really easy to incorporate based on the narrative since all low angles, high angles and even  close ups made sense .During the editing process i already enjoyed looking through all the clips making sure it looked as smooth as possible, which it did to an extent. But overall, the whole text on screen made it much easier to showcase what i was trying to do. Editing has always been my favourite part and hopefully I improve a lot more in the next 2 years.


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