Editing: blog task

Your final analytical blog task is to find a film or television clip on YouTube that you feel has been edited in a distinctive way and write a 750 word analysis of the clip.


When filming the card scene to Now You See Me 2, the director Jon. M Chu revealed that it took several cameras of varying size, oversized clothing, use of CG, and the expertise of card trick expert Andrei Jikh. Chu would film Sikh performing card tracks that he thought would be useful for the actual scene and then have actor Dave Franco (Jack Wilder) practice them extensively.The use of the mise en scene in regards to the clothing, helps illustrate that seamless shots of the card flowing through one person to another. The fact that the actors had to wear oversized clothing for the card to move through easily showcases the dedication they put into producing a 5 minute scene.The costuming of each character really speaks out to their individual personalities. Regarding to lighting, its very harsh and bright throughout but when it comes to them leaving the lighting has a huge play to their exit. As soon as he goes through the alarm starts going off which plays off onto the lights vigorously flashing. The flashing lights normally connotes danger but in their case it was a mere blip in their plan. Acting and movement plays a crucial part in terms of the editing in this scene. The placement of each characters matters on how the card is flown through seamlessly and how the whole scene is edited perfectly throughout. There are a multitude of shots used in this sequence, but the majority are closeups and medium closeups. Some of these are to clearly show reactions and facial expressions. The different shots occurring through the dolly and tracking shots follow the action to keep the audience engaged and panning shots are used to depict the stress that they are under. The tension is also shown through the use of non-diegetic sound which in this scene is the background music. This sound perfectly connotes danger and the sense of anything unexpected occurring. The typical background music is already well-known by the audience through other thriller movies but even though the audience know that this is typical in such movies they bare still brought to be sitting at the edge of their seat, since they are unaware if they get caught or not by the security. Continuity shots are the most important and most used in this scene this is scene so that everything is smoothly edited and the end result is consistently pleasing for the audience to view.Props play a huge part in this scene as well, the card is the key to the whole scene but other props such as the bra is used to hide the card but the uses of the magic tricks by the character makes it hard for not only the security to pick out but also the camera in the matter.


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