Editing video feedback/learner response

Create a new blogpost called 'Editing video feedback and learner response'. Make sure your video is on YouTube and embedded in this blogpost. 

1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher.

2) Type up your feedback from fellow students.

WWW -The match on action was very smooth -especially the handshake at the end.

EBI -The shot/reverse shot was not as smooth and the 180 rule

3) Now reflect on your video. Did you meet the brief and successfully include the three key editing aspects we have learned?

As a whole, my editing has been smooth in terms of match on action but when it comes to the shot/reverse shot it was not accurate at all however I did learn from my mistakes.

4) What were the strengths and weaknesses of your final film? Write a detailed analysis picking out specific shots, edits and any other aspect of film language you think is relevant.

In terms of my video I do admit it was very plain but I am waiting for a much more complex brief which I can involve each aspect of film language.

5) Learner response: what aspect of editing did you find most difficult? What have you learned from this process that will help you when you start the actual coursework later this year?

I have to admit filming in general is quite hard, since it involves all film language .


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